Interested in feeling your best? Join a THREADS workshop!

THREADS is a free, interactive workshop designed for young adults (18-24) to explore simple, practical actions we can take to make our lives better.  We’ll also connect with other young adults through the workshops. Learn how small actions can lead to a healthier, more balanced life in a friendly environment.

Jump Start Your Well-being with THREADS

THREADS is a highly-interactive workshop designed for young adults.  We’ll discuss simple and effective actions you can take to enhance how you’re feeling.  Workshops are about 8-hours long.  You can do it all in one day, or break it up over a few days, depending on where you participate. 

Why THREADS is Right for You

THREADS workshops are designed to help you understand and manage the areas of your life that impact your mental health through engaging activities and meaningful discussions. You’ll walk away with practical tools and resources to improve your well-being, all in a supportive and inclusive space.

Why should you consider THREADS?


Struggling to Find Purpose in What You Do?

Many young adults feel disconnected or unmotivated. After High School, it can be really hard to find activities that truly resonate with you.

THREADS will help you discover actions you can take to help you find activities that you might enjoy. We'll also discuss tools to engage in meaningful experiences that bring fulfillment and purpose to your life.

Feeling Drained and Out of Balance?

Unhealthy habits like poor diet, lack of movement, and irregular sleep can leave you feeling sluggish, stressed, and unmotivated.

THREADS helps you reflect on low-cost activities you enjoy, and simple, actionable steps to improve your physical well-being through better nutrition, exercise, and sleep routines. With healthier habits, you’ll feel more energized and balanced.

Overwhelmed by Stress and Emotions?

When emotions go unchecked, stress can build up and leave you feeling anxious or lost.

THREADS will help you reflect on ways to engage with others, and yourself, so you can process your emotions in a healthy way. This will help you build resilience and manage stress more effectively so you can stay in control of how you're feeling.

Explore the 8 THREADS that we'll discuss

In this workshop, you’ll dive into eight essential areas–which we call THREADS–that impact your everyday life.  From mental resilience to environmental wellness, each thread represents a different part of a healthy, fulfilling life, and we’ll explore practical steps you can take to strengthen them all.

Thread 1: Taking part in activities

Engage in activities that bring purpose and fulfillment to your life. Discover how being involved in meaningful experiences can boost your sense of contribution and enhance your overall well-being.

Thread 2: Health

Learn how to prioritize your physical health by adopting habits that make your body feel good. From proper nutrition to exercise and sleep, this thread focuses on creating a foundation for long-term well-being.

Thread 3: Resilience

Develop the emotional strength to navigate life’s challenges. This section explores techniques to manage stress, express feelings in healthy ways, and build emotional resilience for a balanced life.

Thread 4: Engagement

Healthy relationships are key to a fulfilled life. Learn how to strengthen your connections with family, friends, and your community while exploring new ways to engage with the people around you.

Thread 5: Alignment

Align your daily actions with your personal values and beliefs. This thread helps you reflect on what truly matters to you and guides you in living a life that’s in harmony with your core principles.

Thread 6: Development

Keep your mind active by embracing lifelong learning and personal growth. Discover how developing new skills and perspectives can enhance your intellectual well-being and open doors to new opportunities.

Thread 7: Space

Your surroundings have a direct impact on your mental health. Learn how to create a safe, comfortable space that promotes relaxation, productivity, and overall mental well-being, both indoors and outdoors.

Thread 8: Finances

Financial wellness is about having the resources to meet your needs and enjoy life. Learn how to manage your money, avoid debt, and create a financial plan that supports your long-term goals and reduces stress.

Join Us for the Next THREADS Workshop

Ready to take the first step toward a healthier, happier you? Sign up now for our next THREADS workshop. It’s free, fun, and packed with valuable insights to help you feel better and build connections with others!

Take the Next Step in Your Wellness Journey

Sign up today to secure your spot in the THREADS workshop. It’s time to take control of your well-being, learn valuable skills, and connect with a supportive community